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Invest in your

The truth of it is...

SJCA students are better prepared for the future that awaits them.  

The demands of College are more challenging than ever.


 40% of students drop-out of College each year.

SJCA's rigorous curriculum and college preparatory style is designed to foster:​​

Critical Thinking Skills

Moral Fortitude

Work Ethic

Time Management

Self Advocacy


Which is Why SJCA Graduates Enjoy:

  • 100% College Acceptance Rate

  • Millions in College Scholarships Awarded

  • Successful Career Opportunities Post College

The Best 3K-12 Private Education Made                   

Tuition, Scholarships & Fundraising Opportunities

90% of our families receive Financial Aid


Tuition & Recurring Payments 

At St. Joseph Catholic Academy, we know that making the investment in a Catholic school education can be a significant sacrifice. SJCA is committed to making an SJCA education affordable to all qualified students to the extent that our resources allow. 


Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance aid is awarded to students at all grade levels. FACTS is a 3rd party organization that analyzes each financial application. The factors used to determine aid are household income, assets, family size, expenses, and private education expenses.



Our scholarships provide financial assistance to help our students achieve academic success and personal growth. Each scholarship has its own set of unique qualifications and requirements. We encourage you to explore the options available and apply for the ones that you qualify for. Our team is here to support and guide you throughout the application process.

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Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP)

St. Joseph Catholic Academy participates in the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program. The WPCP is a state program that provides qualifying students the opportunity to attend SJCA on a full scholarship. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website answers several questions pertaining to income limits, application process, etc. We encourage all families who qualify to consider completing an application for this program



SJCA participates in scrip fundraising, which is when you raise money by using gift cards instead of cash or credit to pay for everyday purchases like groceries, gas, dining out and everything in-between.  It's easy to use, and anyone can participate.  for more information on how to get started, email


Multi Student and Parish Discounts

The multi-student discount applies to families who have more than one student in the same immediate family living in the same residence. 

  • First Student: Full Tuition

  • Second Student: 10% Discount

  • Third Student: 20% Discount

  • Fourth (and subsequent) Student(s): 100% Discount


SJCA offers a discount to any members of our 10 affiliated Parishes in Kenosha.  Stipulations apply.

For More In-depth Details

Check out this Video Presentation on
"Affording a SJCA Education"

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